A life of shit in a corrupt society

Wake up in the morning

Pop your antidepressant pills,

You need medication from all societies ills,

Meanwhile on the television we see the political runts

Telling us how to behave like true masters of life’s hunt,

They do what the fuck they want to do

And there is no reprecussions,

And we are paying for them to lead and rule

And there’s no room for discussion,

Because the blatantly lie and refuse to answer the questions

Then it’s off to work to make some other fucker rich,

He pays you the minimum wage and you are grateful for this,

Your zero hour contract is a blessing to you

If he didn’t give you a job what the fuck would you do,

So he exploits his pound of flesh and you go home worn out,

Then you sit and watch the television

And all those fucking ads,

That instill in you the perfect dream of mortgage, family and car

And sell us the bullshit dream that everything we are,

Is glossy, shiny, packaged and wrapped

But really it’s all fucking crap,

What you are is living a life where you’re barely surviving,

The debt letters from the banks and other institutions

Tell another story of a broken national constitution,

Built of greedy, materialistic, exploitative shit

But somehow just like everyday, you don’t seem to see it,

Then it’s off to bed to reflect, on another miserable day,

Trapped in a life so fucking turgid

Absolutely fucking bleak and grey,

And in your mind you recite how much you hate this fucking life

This society is dystopian, but in your mind you lie,

That if you work hard and stick at it something bound to change,

You are fucking kidding yourself with beliefs and dreams do inane,

The only way that will happen, is if you wake the fuck up

And revolt against the privileged few who are so corrupt,

And who try to constantly fuck us up,

This war that war, this disease and all kinds of fucking false flags

Are put in place to control and to instill fear in you and me,

And they are fucking winning and as they laugh at all of us

The one thing you can be certain of

Is that they don’t give not one big fuck.

Published by fauxcroft

spiritually aware and compassionate. Experiencing being human through my conscious reality in an illusory world.

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Henry's salmon adventure | Scotland | Canada | Norway

My book, How To Catch More Salmon (White Owl Books | Pen and Sword Books Ltd) is available from Amazon, Farlows/Sportfish, Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Barnsley and is also published in Philadelphia, USA. Available in hard and paperback, Kindle, ebook. Reporting in late 2020 and 2021 from Scotland, Norway (Gaula, August 2021) and Canada (Miramichi, NB). Please feed back to this site and join your online adventure.


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Mensen maken de samenleving en nemen daarin een positie in. Deze website geeft toegang tot een diversiteit aan artikelen die gaan over 'samenleven', belicht vanuit verschillende perspectieven. De artikelen hebben gemeen dat er gezocht wordt naar wat 'mensen bindt, in plaats van wat hen scheidt'.

Anthony’s Crazy Love and Life Lessons in Empathy

Loves, lamentation, and life through prose, stories, passions, and essays.



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Here's what's left

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"Mystical Shorts"

The transcendental adventures of Simon Birdsong.

from the fairy's diary



Tigers not daughters

Wholeness Chronicles

Godly & Holistic Wisdom for body, mind & Spirit.



Henry's salmon adventure | Scotland | Canada | Norway

My book, How To Catch More Salmon (White Owl Books | Pen and Sword Books Ltd) is available from Amazon, Farlows/Sportfish, Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Barnsley and is also published in Philadelphia, USA. Available in hard and paperback, Kindle, ebook. Reporting in late 2020 and 2021 from Scotland, Norway (Gaula, August 2021) and Canada (Miramichi, NB). Please feed back to this site and join your online adventure.


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