Living life in conscious reality: Fauxcroft Poems 2017 eBook: Fauxcroft Wade: Kindle Store

So despite self publishing my book on poetry it seems it doesn’t sell. Not great news for the confidence. Not sure if it’s because I have no clue about marketing or that it’s just no good. It’s been on Amazon a while now yet nothing. Guess some of us just are not meant to be selling authors.

Published by fauxcroft

spiritually aware and compassionate. Experiencing being human through my conscious reality in an illusory world.

16 thoughts on “Living life in conscious reality: Fauxcroft Poems 2017 eBook: Fauxcroft Wade: Kindle Store

  1. I’ve in a similar situation myself. I was selling for a while and then just nothing. It is not that you are not a good poet, you’re very talented. Most of us that have a passion and fire for it usually are. We sleep, eat, breathe poetry. Hiring someone to push your book is the best option but this also cost money. Plus poetry as important as it is, is just not the hottest thing around from a more traditional stance. Spoken word seems to be the attention getter at the moment. Poets like us are very rare, but we must keep going despite not always being noticed. It’s tough because we put so much work, time, and effort into this. Just hang in there my fellow poet, it will payoff at some point. I think more of us coming together for projects could help more as well.

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  2. I am a new blogger. I don’t know ur business. But i have got a good 14 yrs work experience. All i can say, is that in today’s world, we can’t make a product and it will be sold. Either there should be a need in the market or we need to create a demand for our product. And in this case your product is your book. I think you must do a kind of survey with your followers or in your area and find out what do they prefer reading.You have written what you wanted to write, now try the other way, see what others are reading. Please don’t be disheartened. You are an amazing poet. All you need to do is some research. Firstly, you must congratulate yourself on self publishing your book and putting it on Amazon. How many has the courage to do this today? Not many. May be this might seem like not working now, just give it some more time.

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  3. I hear you!!! Same boat and it is a very tough “market” for self-published authors. I thought I had a slam dunk and still do but the hows and whys of selling when you are a spirit led person don’t always make a lot of sense. It is a bridge I hope we either figure out how to cross or figure out how to do without and soon. Something that came to me recently (a memory I had of something that worked when I was younger and trying to sell some art) I set an intention – sell one painting a month, and it worked the whole time I focused on it. I was thinking about doing something like that with my book, 20 a month or something to that effect. Worth a shot 🙂 Peace and blessings and a big bright neon light on your efforts ❤

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Mensen maken de samenleving en nemen daarin een positie in. Deze website geeft toegang tot een diversiteit aan artikelen die gaan over 'samenleven', belicht vanuit verschillende perspectieven. De artikelen hebben gemeen dat er gezocht wordt naar wat 'mensen bindt, in plaats van wat hen scheidt'.

Anthony’s Crazy Love and Life Lessons in Empathy

Loves, lamentation, and life through prose, stories, passions, and essays.



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Here's what's left

Just another weblog

"Mystical Shorts"

The transcendental adventures of Simon Birdsong.


Tigers not daughters

Wholeness Chronicles

Godly & Holistic Wisdom for body, mind & Spirit.



Henry's salmon adventure | Scotland | Canada | Norway

My book, How To Catch More Salmon (White Owl Books | Pen and Sword Books Ltd) is available from Amazon, Farlows/Sportfish, Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Barnsley and is also published in Philadelphia, USA. Available in hard and paperback, Kindle, ebook. Reporting in late 2020 and 2021 from Scotland, Norway (Gaula, August 2021) and Canada (Miramichi, NB). Please feed back to this site and join your online adventure.


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Laura Filippi ART

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