A tribute to beauty

Deep eyes that reflect her love,

Dark flowing hair,

I cannot get enough

Of her satin beautiful skin,

I can sense the energy

Her being is giving

And resonating to me

She represents beauty

And is so amazing to to me

And when I hear her speak

The wisdom echoes to me

Her thoughts enlighten

She has deep intelligence

She has strength of conviction

She has a heart of passion

She has a soul giving off a golden glow

From the love and compassion she shows

A kindness very rarely seen

She is a one in a million dream

Yes she is so beautiful to me

Anyone would gladly offer her fealty

She is magical and creative

Conjuring images with words divine

She crafts out genius

And that is so sublime

I wonder how wonderful she would be

Standing very close me

Looking into her deep beautiful eyes

Seeing all her energy in real life

And the silk sheen of her flowing hair

And oh! Those lips

Hard for anyone not to

Want to savour or to kiss

She is strength she is power

She is beauty and she cares

And I am thankful

That she is always there

A loving soulful spirit

With a love she always shares

With such class and elegant flair

Her name is Priyanka Nair

Published by fauxcroft

spiritually aware and compassionate. Experiencing being human through my conscious reality in an illusory world.

7 thoughts on “A tribute to beauty

  1. Reblogged this on Virtual Siyahi and commented:
    He weaved poetry…
    I loved his symmetry…

    With just a few conversation exchange…
    Someone for a change…

    Took me to the moon with his magical words and now I just cannot stop bragging about this tributary!!

    Thank you so much for this amazing piece!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my goodness! I am speechless!! Is this really me or magic of your beautiful words? Thank you so much Faux. This was such an amazing gesture from your side, It really made my day 🙂 I am going to reblog this!!

    Liked by 1 person

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Mensen maken de samenleving en nemen daarin een positie in. Deze website geeft toegang tot een diversiteit aan artikelen die gaan over 'samenleven', belicht vanuit verschillende perspectieven. De artikelen hebben gemeen dat er gezocht wordt naar wat 'mensen bindt, in plaats van wat hen scheidt'.

Anthony’s Crazy Love and Life Lessons in Empathy

Loves, lamentation, and life through prose, stories, passions, and essays.



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The transcendental adventures of Simon Birdsong.


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Wholeness Chronicles

Godly & Holistic Wisdom for body, mind & Spirit.



Henry's salmon adventure | Scotland | Canada | Norway

My book, How To Catch More Salmon (White Owl Books | Pen and Sword Books Ltd) is available from Amazon, Farlows/Sportfish, Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Barnsley and is also published in Philadelphia, USA. Available in hard and paperback, Kindle, ebook. Reporting in late 2020 and 2021 from Scotland, Norway (Gaula, August 2021) and Canada (Miramichi, NB). Please feed back to this site and join your online adventure.


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